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Sunday, February 10, 2013

Jordan loves Brigitte

So here she is, the third in my series of heavenly bodies and by that I mean stars.


JayWontdart said...

Dont get me in the dogbox Robert! I have eyes only for the missus!

Your Riverton lot did well at Surf to City!

Hope you'll stop by our new INVSOC HQ soon, we'd love to show you the magnificent garden that puts yours to shame! (couple lettuces, 6 kale plants, chives, celery. Its a real bounty alright!)

robertguyton said...

Me too (eyes, missus etc)
I'd love to visit your vegetable garden, perhaps shelter under a lettuce if it rains, and admire the abundance. I'll try for Wednesday. Chives! I'll bring my camera.

JayWontdart said...

Wednesday it is :-)